Thursday, February 17, 2011

Marriage Edition!

I just want to go on the record {again} to say how much I HATE the video game "Call of Duty." I really hate ALL video games, but this one has the rare ability to instantaneously put me in a bad mood.

Maybe it's because if I try to talk to my husband while he's playing he just stares blankly at the screen and continues pushing buttons.  

Maybe it's this ridiculous headset-- which he tried to hide how much he spent on it!! Nice try!

Maybe it's the constant sound of bombs, machine guns, and phrases like "UAV online..."

Could it be that it's horribly addicting-- especially when you can go online with all your guy friends and play for HOURS. Literally.

Yes to {all the above}.

Call of Duty has caused NUMEROUS fights in the past 2 years it's came into our lives. I think if you buy this game you should have to have mandatory counseling sessions. 

See...even the dog tries to get his attention when he's playing!  Duke shows what my expression is like perfectly. uuggghhhh!  :o) haha!

Ok, i'm done now.  

And I  love you babe.

But I still hate that game!

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