Friday, February 4, 2011

Marriage Edition!

I thought I'd share one of my favorite "Marriage Editions" from the past. We have a lot of stories about me being sick vs Jacob being sick. I think all you women can relate! :o)
Jacob The Husband
A Parody
by Tiffany Neighbors

Recently Tiffany had her wisdom teeth out. Surgical removed. All four.
She was on heavy duty pain meds, with not only holes in her mouth, but a hole in her sinus as well.

Poor Tiffany. Good thing she had her husband Jacob to take care of her.

Jacob brought her home and put her in bed, closing the door behind him. He played video games in the other room, made some hot cocoa, and then got bored and went back to work.

Jacob forgot to turn the stove off. Good thing Tiffany's mom came by to check on her. She was dead asleep. Tiffany might have burned to death in a housefire.

The next day, Jacob got a cold.
Poor Jacob. He thinks he's dying.  He tries to get Tiffany to move from her spot on the couch. Tiffany is too out of it and in too much pain to move. Jacob is angry. He wants to be taken care of.

Tiffany's friends bring her a milkshake to help her feel better. Jacob’s still not feeling well and wants to have her milkshake. Tiffany has to share.

Tiffany can't get out of bed and walk around so the house is a mess. Jacob wants it to be clean. Jacob wakes her up one evening and says, "we're out of toilet paper. Go get some."  Tiffany sleeps and doesn’t wake up.

A week later Tiffany is healed and feeling better. She cleans the house, gets toilet paper and makes dinner.

Jacob comes home and sees all this is done. He jumps up and down with joy and says, "I'm so happy you're feeling better! I might've starved to death!"

The End

I still love ya honey!!!!

(Us at Lost Tracks Golf Course in Bend... right after I beat the pants off Jacob!)

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