Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blog Award!

Carlia over at The Stork Drop Zone awarded me the "tell me about yourself award!" Thanks Carlia! It's my first blog award and it put a huge smile on my face! I've been following Carlia for over a year now and she's getting close to holding her little one in her arms soon! I love her blog! Go over and check it out!

Now onto the award: I tell you 7 things about myself you may not already know, and then I pass it onto a few other bloggers!

1.  I have bunions on my feet. (i'm sure I can hear snickering from some of you who know this!) Haha. Yep. Tried to fix them as a child, but it's no use. It's genetic and since they dont really bother me too much I just deal with it. I did get one of those yoga toes thingy's and I sometimes use it to stretch out my feet when they're achy.

2.  I wake up early morning EVERY morning in the winter and look outside to see if it snowed. It rarely does. And I'm so disappointed every single time. But on those days it does snow, I'm in complete heaven!

3.  I have a fear of driving long distances by myself. I just flat out wont do it.

4.  My tailbone pops out of place regularly. That's going to be lovely later on in pregnancy...

5.  As soon as I grow my hair out long, I immediately want to cut it. Which is where I'm at now. Long, short? Long, short? Ugh, it's such a hard decision!

6.  I sleep much better in the mountains, in our cozy little trailer. I'm not a good sleeper anywhere else. Don't know what it is about the fresh mountain air and that little bed, but I sleep like a baby! Maybe I need to haul the trailer into our driveway and sleep in it so I can actually get a full nights sleep!

7.  I once knocked myself out by jumping OVER a horse off of a hay bail. Yeah... miscalculated that distance by a bit.

Now...enough about me! I want to hear from:

Tricia @ Wattenburgers

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