Monday, May 30, 2011

Multitude Mondays

 I'm Thankful For:

86. Graduation parties
87. My sweet sister-in law
88. A dinner and a movie date with the hubby at Fuddruckers
89. Spur of the moment camping trip
90. Mushroom hunting for the first time
91. Getting two sack fulls of morel mushrooms
92. Campfires
93. Snuggling in the trailer with Jacob
94. Biscuits and Gravy in the mountains~ it just tastes better up there!
95. Having NO agenda
96. A good pair of sweats
97.  Blankets
98. Gluten Free chocolate chip cookies~ they're even more addicting than normal cookies!
99. Peanut Butter M&M's
100. Kristen Hannah Novels

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