Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recovery is a process...

Well recovery hasn't been a piece of cake, although it hasn't been too bad.  The actual pain from the surgery was not bad at all-- the side effects have been awful! I thought I'd do a re-cap of the past 6 days of recovery.

Day 1: Surgery Day-- Good spirits going into surgery, little difficulty finding an anti-biotic to administer via IV due to allergies. Really dehydrated after surgery. Given morphine via IV, and oxycodone pills to take home.

Days 2-3: Don't remember much! Taking oxycodone and those things KNOCKED me out! Still dehydrated (probably due to sleeping so much). Not wanting to eat.Throat sore.

Day 4: Woke up with HORRIBLE migraine. Tried to sleep it off, but woke up still with a pounding head. Emotions went crazy. Cried half the day. Still not eating. Sore throat a little worse. Not going to the bathroom. (lovely side effect of oxycodone) Stopped taking pain meds that morning. Pain from surgery not bad though!

Day 5: Actually ate some food. Pain very minimal-- only when moving around a lot. Took a shower-props to hubby who helped wash my hair! Took off bandages! Still not going to the bathroom (so medicine to fix that). Throat now itchy, weird, sensitive-thinking somethings up with that. Took a small walk!

Day 6: Side effects of meds still in play. Really annoying. Now can't stop going to the bathroom. (ha!) And Dr. agrees I may have thrush. Finally at 7:00 pm get meds to help. PRAYING it does. Mouth issues are the worst! Walking around better! Ate a little more. Will feel almost 100% when this thrush stuff gets kicked!

Day 7: To Come-hopefully better than the last 6 days!

Thank you all for your prayers throughout this surgery and our whole infertility process! And a special thanks to everyone who brought us meals after surgery! It  helped a lot! Jacob and I really appreciate all the support and help we've received, especially this week!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

Oh Tiffany, I sorry that you are having so much difficulty...I was out for 2 weeks after my first endo surgery...due to a gas bubble that was so painful, however didn't have the throat issue, praying for the meds to work and that you will be back to your old self soon!!! Man it's tough to be a girl....take care and hope you feel a lot better tomorrow!!!!