Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chocolate Cyst & Cancelled Cycles

I used to like chocolate.

Now it doesn't seem so appealing. {ok maybe not, but it still makes me angry to hear the word chocolate and think about what i'm about to tell you}

Chocolate Cysts.

Have you ever heard of them?

{crickets sounding}

Yeah, me either. Until Tuesday morning.

Tuesday during my routine ultrasound I asked the ultrasound tech how many good follicles there were, and if she could show me where the Dr. might have seen endometriosis in me.  She said "I'll let the doctor decide if its good, and you do have some endometriosis in there. You have a chocolate cyst. I had no clue what she was talking about but I was frustrated that she wouldnt tell me how many follicles I had. I went out to the waiting room so she could ask the Dr. what the next step was. When she called me back again she told me to take my OPK's (ovulation predictor kits) and call when it's positive. And then she said "oh by the way, he probably wants to take that cyst out."  

Well gee thanks lady. Nice of you to have some compassion. I was even more confused because I still didnt know if I had good follicles, if I was going to do the IUI, or get my usual hcg shot.  So later that afternoon I had my husband call the nurses to get a more clear idea of what's going on.  I had great follicles, my body looked like it was doing what it was supposed to do (ovulate on its own), and if I didnt get pregnant this cycle then we'd talk surgery.

Here's what I'm bummed about: we are going to be out of town soon, during what will probably be "prime time", so we can't do the IUI. I'm not going to change my whole life around for this and cancel trips- we already have to work around my bodies schedule so much anyway. Dr. didnt want to give me the shot and do the IUI before we left because, well, I dont really know, other than I figure it's because they want my body to ovulate naturally.

Part of me is so upset, and part of me is realistic in that if I really do have endometriosis, and I know I have the chocolate cyst in my ovaries, then I probably wouldnt get pregnant anyway, IUI or not. No use in spending more money and enduring the process for no reason.  However, I DID have good follicles- so I guess it's a catch 22!  With that being said, we will try on our own still, and you never know! 

Mark 9:23-24) 23 Jesus said to him, "“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”" 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out with tears, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”

Reality is that I will probably have the surgery next month. So that's another 2 months {at least} down the drain. Probably more due to healing time. Uggh.

Back to the Chocolate Cysts.
These are cysts that form when endometrial tissue (the type that lines the inside of the uterus) invades an ovary. It is responsive to monthly hormonal changes, which causes the cyst to fill with blood. It’s called a “chocolate cyst” because the blood is a dark, reddish-brown color. {can you see why eating chocolate is now a problem for me-- now for you too! haha!}

In lamens terms, a chocolate cyst is endometriosis of the ovary.

Here is some more info about it.

I know, it's kind of a gross picture. If you really want to be grossed out, google "chocolate cyst" and look up some real images. Uck!

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month

You'll be hearing more about this issue this month!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Oh Tiff -- my heart just breaks for you. Sometimes things just don't seem fair. And yes, you have definitely effected my ability to eat chocolate... at least until tomorrow :) You both are in my prayers!