Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jack Moving

I've been trying to get a good video of Jack moving around in my belly. He's kinda shy about it. :o)
And sometimes you can't see it very well through the clothes or on the video. So I put the remote on my belly to show him moving around.  He's more of a "roller" and "squirmer" than a "kicker" and a "puncher".  He kicks pretty good sometimes too, but most of the time he's doing some weird moves in there and my stomach will stick out to one side or the other or roll like a wave. It's a pretty neat feeling! I'm sure this wont be the last of the videos of my moving belly~ so sorry if its boring to you!


Carlia said...

love it! i think he's trying to push some buttons on the remote. maybe he wants you to change the channel? ;)

Jonny and Brittany said...

I have been doing the same thing and cannot catch anything too exciting! haha! Adorable though- it feels so amazing huh?!