Friday, January 27, 2012

16 Weeks, 3 Days!

How Far Long? 16 weeks, 3 Days

Size of Baby?Size of an avacado

Total Weight Gain?  3 lbs

Maternity Clothes? Not quite yet- I got a belly band this week though. My work pants are getting a little snug!

Sleep? Sleeping good although I'm thinking I need to invest in a body pillow soon.

Food Cravings? Grapefruit!! And I've been eating chocolate & peanut butter  a lot too.

Stretch Marks? None yet- but trying to exfoliate and lotion my belly!

Gender? Will find out on February 23rd. CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling baby kick and move~ and knowing what the gender is so I can start putting the nursery together.

Highlight Of The Week: Hearing babies heartbeat and hearing it move around in there! I thought I felt the baby move while the doctor was listening to the heartbeat with the doppler. He said he was moving around a lot (you can tell by the swishing sound between the heartbeat, and then I felt a little nudge!)
Babies heartbeat was at 152 this week!

Weekly Wisdom: Treasure every moment.

  • Baby's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
  • Baby's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And baby's forming taste buds.

Symptoms: Round ligament/stretching pain, dizzy spells, tiredness


InfertileA said...

i just came across your blog when I was googling endometriosis. I have been struggling with infertility for about 3 years now. Your timeline seems a lot like mine. Hopefully I my timeline will continue like yours is. Anyways, congratulations and I look forward to following your encouraging story. Lord knows I need some encouragement right now.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for stopping by. :o) My story is not unlike many others, and I can surely sympathize with your pain and frustrating "waiting" and procedures. Hang in there! The Lord has perfect timing for everyone.