Thursday, January 19, 2012

15 Weeks, 2 Days!

I've been sick this week with a bad cough that is getting progressively worse. Luckily, my body doesn't feel too terribly bad, the coughing is just taking a toll on me. And it freaks me out coughing so hard- sometimes it definitely hurts/pulls the round ligament muscles! Drinking lots of tea with honey here!

How Far Long? 15 Weeks, 2 days

Size of Baby? The size of a navel orange! (about 4 inches)

Total Weight Gain? 1-2 lbs.

Maternity Clothes? Not quite yet.

Sleep? Sleeping good although I'm thinking I need to invest in a body pillow soon.

Food Cravings? Grapefruit!! And I've been eating chocolate peanut butter cookies a lot too.

Stretch Marks? None yet- but trying to exfoliate and lotion my belly!

Gender? Another month before we find out!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Feeling baby kick and move~ and knowing what the gender is so I can start putting the nursery together.

Highlight Of The Week: Getting an hour massage. Bliss!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't get sick. It stinks!

Milestones: I think I finally "look" more pregnant and I love it. Although if you didnt know me, you still might not be able to tell I guess. Babies eyelids are still fused shut but he/she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, he/she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but he/she is forming taste buds! Baby is also busy kicking, punching, and wiggling toes! How cute!

Emotions: Still can get mad in a flash! (mostly with Jacob. haha!)

Symptoms: Round ligament pain, dizzy spells

I really need to start having Jacob take pictures with the actual camera! I'm usually in my sweats by the time he gets home~ I'll work on that! :o)

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