Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Little Word 2012

I haven't done this in a couple years, chosen a "word" to live by for the year.

Recently I saw on a friends blog a reference to Ali Edwards Blog, who compiled a whole list of words that people have chosen for 2012. She's done this for quite a few years, but today I read through all the words people had chosen and loved every single one of them! 

So I decided I needed to choose my word for 2012. It actually is a lot harder than it seems. It's harder than it was the last time I did this. A couple years ago I chose Chances as my word. (as in Taking Chances). I think I did a pretty good job of that.  This year, there are so many new things going on that it's hard to choose just one word.

I wrote out 6 of my top word choices:

Adapt: To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.

Appreciate: To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of; To be thankful or show gratitude for.

Change: A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another.

Enjoy: To receive pleasure or satisfaction from.

Prioritize: To put things in order of importance.

Treasure: To keep or regard as precious; value highly.

I think I chose Adapt, Change, Prioritize  because those are things I know I will HAVE to do this year.
With a baby on the way, roles shifting at work, Jacob and I will have to adapt our lifestyle. We will have to make due with certain situations. Both of us will need to change and transform as we become parents and have different/more roles. We will have to prioritize and make sure we are putting things, people, duties, in order of importance and keeping a good balance.
Yes, these are three things I know I MUST do. Words that will come into my life no matter if I want them to or not!

So do I really want to choose a word that I MUST live by, or that I WANT to live by? (even though those three words are things I do want and strive for for this year)


Yes, I think this is the word I choose for 2012.

{To keep or regard as precious; value highly.}

I want to:
Value my marriage highly.
Regard my friends & family as precious.
Value each day.
Regard this time of just me and my husband as precious.
Value the blessings I've been given.
Regard each season as precious....

Value Highly. Regard as Precious.

Words to Live by for 2012.

What is your word this year?


Tricia said...

Great choice Tiffany! I'm having a hard time narrowing it down, but I love the word treasure! You'll have a lot to treasure this year. :)

Sonja said...

I just wanted to say I enjoy your blog so much! I've never picked a word for the year, but you're the third person now that has come across my radar, so I just may contemplate it. Blessings!

Lindsay said...

:) LOVE it! and love you too! Praying 2012 is a treasure! :)