How Far Long? 29 Weeks, 4 Days
Size of Baby? Size of an Acorn Squash (about 2.5- 3.8 pounds and up to 17 inches long!)
Total Weight Gain? 22 lbs ~ didn't gain any since last week.
Maternity Clothes? Definitely!
Sleep? Comes and goes. Sleeping somewhat ok during the night, but getting up to pee more~ at least twice now during the night. I always wake up because I roll on my back often and then it starts hurting from all the pressure. Naps are back on the schedule though now!
Food Cravings? Fruit, PB& Chocolate
Stretch Marks? Not yet.
Gender? BOY!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Birthing Class tomorrow! :o)
Highlight Of The Week: Getting more clothes organized in his nursery and getting a place set up for him in our bedroom.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't stress about buying maternity clothes. I've borrowed as much as I could, and stretched out my regular clothes for as long as I could... but a girl's gotta be comfortable! And as much as its a pain to buy clothes you wont wear for very long, it's well worth it to look cute AND be comfortable!
Milestones: Baby is growing fat deposits under his skin and his energy is surging because of it!
Symptoms: Peeing more, randomly emotional, getting tired easily has returned
Belly button in or out: It's starting to stretch out!