Sunday, July 20, 2014

11 Weeks with Baby #2!

11 Weeks! 

I feel so incredibly blessed to be pregnant again. I love being pregnant and really enjoyed it last time around. So far, it's been a fairly low key pregnancy. I've had the usual nausea, exhaustion, insomnia type stuff but it's all worth it. With this one, I found out I was pregnant very early on. I think right around 4 weeks! When I took the test I was shocked it was positive but so excited! 
The first trimester is always scary and I pray constantly that this little baby is growing and thriving each and every day. Once you lose a baby that fear is always there but we saw our little one dancing around at 8 weeks and heard the heartbeat then! Still, it is SO hard to wait each month to hear it again and get some reassurance.

How Far Long? 11 Weeks, 4 Days
Size of Baby? About the size of a Lime

Total Weight Gain? Oh gosh, I haven't even gone there yet this time around...

Maternity Clothes? Sometimes. Definitely popped out quicker this time though!

Sleep? Insomnia most nights. And having to get up to pee at least once.

Dont know yet- thinking girl though! :)

Best Moment This Week? People that dont "know" I'm pregnant are being able to tell now by looking at me. :o) So fun.

Food Cravings? Food has been hard. This week has been chef salads though.

Food Aversions? 
Iced Coffee for sure. I can't quite figure out what sounds good ever yet. And when I do make or get something, sometimes it doesnt taste good. Lol!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Hearing babies heartbeat

Emotions: Just like last time around my patience has faded. And I can't mask how I'm feeling very well. Whatever I'm feeling, it shows! I do however, cry easier at movies, songs, etc.

Symptoms: Tired most of the time, by mid afternoon I am toast. Not sleeping well at night isnt helping that. I had some round ligament pain one day this week that was weird and uncomfortable. Peeing a lot.

WEEKS 4-10
SYMPTOMS: Nausea, tiredness, sore boobs, trouble eating, indigestion, insomnia

Positive test about 4 weeks!

Ultrasound confirmation at 8 weeks.

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