Sunday, July 1, 2012

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...

Tuesday I'll be 39 weeks! So technically I still have a little over a week until my due date... plus my Dr. will let me go a week after that if needed.

I thought I'd update everyone on how I'm feeling though since now everywhere I go people are saying, "You're still here? Still pregnant? etc." :o)

I've been feeling pretty good with no real contractions that I can tell. My back for the past 3 or 4 nights has been hurting/crampy but it doesn't last and usually goes away when I change positions.

I got checked on Friday at the Dr.'s and I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated! Not a whole lot going on but at least it's something. The Dr. also said baby was VERY low, which I can totally tell. He's been low all along but lately I can feel him pushing down. Sometimes the pain stops me in my tracks and it's been getting more frequent.

Today I had a hard time sitting through church and walking afterwords because I felt like he was literally going to drop out of me! Lol! There is an actual term for this pain. Are you ready for this? It's called "lightning crotch." Seriously. Google it. And I think that's a pretty accurate description. It's literally a burning, sharp stab-- and it is from the baby pushing down on the cervix. Maybe he's more ready to come out than he's letting on? :o)

Anyway- been doing lots of walking. Still sleeping well. Everything is pretty much ready so we are just waiting, waiting, waiting! Every little twinge sends my husband into hysterics! :o) Ok, not hysterics yet, but he gets a little concerned when I look weird or say "ow" or something like that.

I've also not had that really frantic nesting urge. I made a huge list at the beginning of my pregnancy of things I wanted to get done before baby and for the most part I got most of that done and did a lot of organizing before the 9th month hit. I've thought about doing some more organizing, scrubbing my floor boards and stuff like that. laid back said of me kicks in and decides against it. I've still managed to do some random organizing the past few weeks, but nothing like all the stories from others I've heard about their crazy all night nesting sessions. Dont know if that's a good thing or not! we go. Entering into the 39th week in a couple days! Prayers for a quick, easy, delivery and a healthy baby would be much appreciated as we get closer!!!


Hailey Jean said...

I totally remember having "lightening crotch" too! It's funny the terms people come up with to describe things, but that is totally spot on! :)

Jonny and Brittany said...

SO SO exciting!!!!!!! Hang in there!!!!