2 Months Old!
Super sweet, super cute, super loveable little girl!!
- You weigh 11 lbs 15 oz - 80th percentile!
- You are 23 inches long
- You're in size 2 diapers
- You wear 3 month clothes and can fit into some 6 month clothes!
- You're starting to coo and try and "talk"
- You smile lots!
- Your throwing up is better, but depends alot on what I eat too. No dairy, coffee or tomato sauces for sure.
- You take most naps in yours swing and prefer to spend most of the evening on or next to me
- Everyone is in love with your hair
- You love your brother
- You like to sleep in the front pack
- You hate your carseat
- You still wont take a binky
- You nurse ok, but still dont have a great latch, But good enough to keep breastfeeding!
- You are a light sleeper
- I haven't got you into a solid routine yet but I probably should start- it's a lot harder with two of you now to get on the same schedule.
- Most of the time you still seem to wake up 30-45 minutes into a nap which is frustrating, but sometimes you'll do a long 2-3 hour stretch in the middle of the day
- A few days ago you went 6 hours at night!