Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mid-Week Randoms

Not a whole lot of excitement around here lately, but we are happy just living life as our little family of three right now. Dreaming of warm weather and summer vacations and spending time outside. One more month of winter!!!

Jack's new favorite place to play is in the dryer. (I know- horrible parenting right?) Don't worry, I don't leave him alone in there and he can't open the door by himself. (yet!) This makes doing laundry an extra long affair, but he feels like he's helping and that's what matters! I usually let him throw in the clothes into the washer or dryer to get him involved and he thinks its fun. He probably wont be thinking its fun in a few years! :o)

 Our pantry has a lock on it, but when he wants a snack he will open it up as far as it will go and start asking for stuff! haha! Silly boy. As you can see, we spend most of the time sans clothes, even in the dead of winter. He'd be naked all the time if I would let him! He tries really hard to sound out things like candy and snacks but he hasnt quite got it down yet. He can say cracker. Unfortunately candy comes out as ca-ca. Haha!!
 I LOVE walking into the room and seeing him sitting and reading to himself. So so cute. I'm glad he likes books and hope he keeps loving it throughout the years!

 We are trying really hard to dress ourselves lately which is super frustrating to Mister Jack since he hasnt mastered any of it yet. He's getting closer with the socks though. He has zero patience which is working against him! He tries to put on shoes almost everyday and when he finishes unsuccessfully putting his own shoes on, followed by crying and throwing of the shoes and rolling on the ground, he moves onto mine. He found a pair he can put on AND walk in all by himself- moms heels! :o) I thought it was hilarious.

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, January 24, 2014

January Lately

 January has gone by pretty fast. Although February couldn't get over fast enough for me. I usually dont mind the cold and dreary weather but man, this year I want some sunshine and warmth!! Cabin Fever for sure is setting in.  I haven't updated here in awhile. Things are going well. I turned 30 this month, Jacob has done some traveling, and Jack just keeps growing and learning. We've all been sick this month too- seems everyone has. Another reason the warm weather can't get here fast enough.  In the meantime we are trying to stay warm, stay busy and stay healthy!

Duke! He thinks he is so deprived these days.

Sunny Boo and Jack- Friends and bottle buds! :o)

This was some of the kids at my birthday party. Ha! They were everywhere.


Jack got a little nerf gun for Christmas and he holds it backwards so he has to wear glasses when he uses it or else he will shoot himself in the eye!

Maybe we should wear protective gear too! He got daddy in the eye! Haha!

Life is rough.

This boy LOVES soccer. And he's pretty darn good at it too.

This was his bed head, pre-haircut! And his new chair he got from Grandma and Grandpa.