8 Months Old
- You are a super fast crawler and climb/pull yourself up on anything and everything
- You can walk with the assistance of a little walker
- You still dont have any teeth popping through yet
- You are still taking 3 naps a day
- You give kisses and hugs now
- You love to wave bye bye to people at the door and watch them leave out the window
- You are Mr. Social and have to be around people or you will go stir crazy
- Whenever you see kids you crawl towards them or smile at them
- You never sit still
- You still love to watch baby einstein
- We haven't gotten you to take naps at other places very well yet- but you have slept in the pack n play at grandma's a few times
- You started eating level 3 foods and eating the yogurt puffs and cereal
- Your favorite toy to play with are balls
- You are in 9 month clothes
- You are babbling all the time now and say Mama all day long
- You also say bop a lot and blow bubbles with your mouth
- We are working on you saying dada but you just dont want to, even though you have said it before.
- You get so excited when your dad comes home though and love it when we are both on the floor or at the table with you
- We bring you into our bed every morning when you wake up for the day to drink your bottle and hang out with us while we wake up
- You are just too cute and we love you tons little man!