My family has always celebrated St.Nick's day on December 6. This is the day we get our stockings and celebrate the season of giving, the spirit of Christmas, and prepare for Jesus birth! A lot of people dont understand this holiday- they dont understand St. Nicholas and who he was, or believe he was a real person because of how we portray "Santa Claus" today. But he was a real person, he was a saint in fact, who helped restore faith and hope to many people during his day and was best known for giving gifts or money to those in need. He was also persecuted for his faith. "Santa Claus" originated in America and is in fact a form of St. Nick which came from some Dutch men who called St. Nicholas Sinterclaus. You can read all about his story
here and can find much about the story of St. Nick out there!
Christmas time is such a special time. I love EVERYTHING about this time of year. I get really irritated with people who are "scrooges" about the holidays. I will tell my children about St. Nicholas, how he was a giving man who followed Jesus commands to love one another and help those in need. They will know he was real. They can believe in our modern day Santa Claus and all the spirit and magic that comes along with BELIEVING in something. It will not be a big deal when they find out "Santa" and his flying reindeer are not real. But I will always keep the spirit of Christmas alive in my house. It brings joy, it brings peace, togetherness, tradition, fun, excitement... who wouldn't want to BELIEVE in those things and have those things!
Getting and giving gifts will still be a tradition we will follow. I know some people are moving away from that these days. Handmade or not, it doesn't matter. I will teach my children that just as the wise men brought gifts to baby Jesus because they loved Him, mommy and daddy do the same for them and Christmas is a special time to show our friends and family, and also those in need, that we love and care for them too.
Anyway, that is my rant for the day. :)
Here's some pictures of our annual St. Nick's celebration at my parents house.
My mom did a lovely job setting the table and making a great dinner! |
I made these yummy chocolate peppermint cookies! |
The kids got personalized ornaments. So cute! |
Stockings! |
Trying to get a picture of them by their stockings...unsuccessfully. |
SOO excited! :) |
So wound up he didnt know what to do with himself. haha! |
Me and Izzy! |